
Autumn Sunshine


Edd Presnell


First Snow

Lord Byron

Mr. President

Small Town Dreamer

Blankets And Lace


Draped in a warm blanket, and framed in the window by some dainty old lace curtains, she became her favorite princess, Cinderella.  Watching her move with grace and charm, dressed in that blanket gown, I asked who she was waiting for.  With an innocent smile, she said, “I’m waiting for Prince Charming Daddy”.  Suddenly I realized that far too quickly, she would be grown.  Soon a veil of lace, a white, silk gown and of course a real Prince Charming would take the place of her favorite playthings.  Left behind would be the old dress up blanket along with the warm memories from this enchanting age of make believe.  May time move slowly…